How to keep your balance across cycles of desire and disappointment

Desire, hope, insecurity, disappointment. Hope, desire, hesitance, disappointment. Insecurity. Disappointment. Relief. . Some of us are bounceballs. But some are eggs. I'm not sure if you made sense of the sequences above, but that's what life seems to be made of in large part. For some of us these cycles are greater, deeper, more intense, … Continue reading How to keep your balance across cycles of desire and disappointment

Struggling to find your ground?

I was living an out-of-body experience for years without realising it. I think I'm not the only one, and I don't think empaths are exempt from this misconception. In fact, because of the sometimes painful emotional intensity that we experience in our bodies, we may be even more prone to abandoning them than other people. … Continue reading Struggling to find your ground?